I’m pretty sure we’ve all asked this a time or two. Why are things the way they are? Why does life have to be this way?

Now this post will teeter on the edge of being somewhat punchy. That’s not the actual intent but some things have unintended consequences that can be predicted.

We’re in a section of the Bible right now that hits at the heart of the struggles we’re seeing in the world. Paul, in the book of Romans, is addressing a group of Jesus followers and he drives right at the heart of a culture that has walked away from God.

The Roman culture was all about freedom of religion although they didn’t call it that. They had more gods than we have brands of soda. It was kind of astounding if you think about it. Everything and every part of life had a different god to worship. There was a god for politics. One for rain. One for money. One for fertility. One for…well you get the picture.

The only caveat to the whole deal was that you could worship anything or anyone you wanted as long as you didn’t claim your god was the best or only. You see you had to be open and tolerant and accepting of everyone’s beliefs. But they took it one step further than that. You were supposed to be affirming of it.

There’s a difference between loving someone in spite of what they do and encouraging the behavior they’re exhibiting. You can love someone deeply and still offer correction. As a matter of fact, if you really love someone you darn well better offer a correction if they’re showing signs of destructive, uncharacteristic, or improper behavior.

So back to Paul. In Romans 1:18-32, something you can read on your own, Paul hits on the topic of an unraveling society. The first part of the section talks about how the people had done all they could to remove God from the picture. They did things like take him out of schools, off political buildings, remove his name from currency, not allow him to be talked about in places of business.

Ok so I know that all sounds like something you might hear today and some of you are probably thinking I’m talking about today. You’re right and you’re wrong at the same time. You’re right in that it does apply to our lives today. But you’re wrong in that it really was kind of what was going on in Paul’s day, with some modernized language.

Paul is really driving home the point that society, his and ours, has walked away from God in pretty staggering ways. Then he transitions to his closing argument. This is why the world is the way it is.

You see the issue is the unraveling of the world is a direct result of society wanting to push God away. When we exchanged God for everything but God, we shouldn’t be surprised when he hands us over to the unhealthy desires and behaviors that go along with turning our backs on him.

Why is the world the way it is? People talk about same sex attraction and legalized abortion. Stories of kids wanting to change their gender. Some of these conversations make my head spin but they shouldn’t really surprise us. We’re getting exactly what we asked for here.

Actions have consequences, and we’re living our consequences right now. So why does it have to be this way? We’re just getting what we asked for, that’s why.