Sometimes it’s easy to feel like you might just slip through the cracks. It’s never been your style to flaunt yourself for anyone. You have never tried to get your name in lights. Not even once. You’re quiet and unassuming. Yet you’re there whenever we need you. You don’t want attention and probably wouldn’t approve of this post – so I’m not asking. But I think it’s important for you to know that we see you.

You played the part of nurse when we were sick. You bandaged our wounds and made sure we had the right treatment for any illness we met. You didn’t ask for accolades but we see you.

You were there when we made the wise choices that you asked us to make. You praised us for doing things right. You celebrated our wins, even when those wins weren’t anything all that spectacular. You were the first to clap at our concerts or recitals. You were the biggest, proudest smile in the crowd. Even though you never wanted to stand out, you should know we see you.

You were there when our choices were less than wise, some would say downright stupid! Your discipline was firm but gentle, if that’s possible. Your reprimands were more communicated through disappointment in our choices than a harsh laying on of hands. Yet through the disappointment, we never doubted your love for us. We see you.

You’ve been care give many times over now and that’s an exhausting task. Whether it’s helping through a post surgery recovery or guiding loved ones through the pains of Alzheimer’s, you were there and it seems you’re at it again. The task of caring for someone else can be exhausting and a seemingly unthankful task. Everyone asks how the patient is doing, but we see you.

The work you do and the things you say impact so many people. It’s like a rock dropped in a pond whose ripples echo out seemingly forever. This is how your love for us and those around you has impacted so many.

The days and weeks ahead through dad’s post surgery recovery might not be what any of us asked for, but we all know one thing for certain. God gave us a gift in you to watch as you handle these challenges. We’ve learned a lot and, even as we are grown, are still learning even through yet another round. You will get tired. You will grow weary. You might even ask if anyone cares. So let me remind you now – Mom, we see you and we love you.