One of my favorite bible verses comes from one of the most intimidating books of the bible, Revelation. In this book, John writes his view of the end of the world from heaven’s perspective. It’s a wonderful book filled with rich imagery, meaningful promises and some fairly terrifying examples. Nestled in this book are seven letters written to seven churches throughout the region of Asia minor. But these letters aren’t just for these churches. I have a hunch there’s something for you and me today.

The last church receives words that are my absolute favorite. Not sure why they’re my favorite though. Perhaps it’s because I see them playing out in the life of the church today more than the rest? Maybe it’s because the others six warnings are pretty easy to spot but this one is more difficult? I’m not sure it really matters why it’s my favorite. It just is. Here’s how the verse reads:

I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! Revelation 3:15

These words are so powerful. John goes on to write, So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. That’s it right there. God vomit! We dumb it down and make it sound a little more politically correct, but that’s what it is. God says that he wants us to be passionate and on fire for him or stone cold against him. What he doesn’t want is for us to be some kind of wishy, washy pretend follower who says one thing on Sunday but lives something totally different on Tuesday! This is worthy of becoming God Vomit!

I love the imagery that God uses here. He spares no images and uses vivid language to be sure. Heat is great and cold is fine but when you’re somewhere in the middle its way too easy to grow complacent and comfortable. Now we all like our comforts to be sure. That special seat on the couch. Those cozy pjs or sweatpants we never wear out of the house all fit the comfortable category to be sure! But when it comes to our energy and passion, comfy just doesn’t cut it! Complacency kills passion.

So where are you on the hot/cold scale? Are you on fire to the point that everyone can see your passion oozing out of you? Are you so cold that everyone around you just thinks you hate everything? Either way you’re better off than if no one knows what you think, feel or believe.

This is God’s point in Revelation 3. Let people know who and whose you are. Wear it proudly. Talk about it loudly. Don’t hide it at all. After all who wants to be God Vomit! Perhaps that’s the title I should have went with for this post – God Vomit! At any rate, find a way to feed your passion for Christ. Find a way to fill yourself with the things needed to enliven your spirit and drive you into the world on fire. God wants to use you to do might things. Use his power and your passion to ignite a fire in this world that can’t be put out.