Where does your identity come from? Some say it’s what you do. Others say it’s what you have. Still others say it’s what you believe. But what if our identity wasn’t about something that we achieved but something we received. That’s the theme of this week’s message. True identity isn’t about us at all; it’s about what’s been done for us.

As we continue walking through Paul’s letter we know as Colossians, we move into a chapter that’s packed with hard hitting truth. You are not what you do. You are not what you have. And you are not what you or others think about you!

Your identity isn’t achieved. It’s received.

This is the truth of the gospel. The world says do more, collect more, dream more. The gospel says those are good and fun and nothing really wrong with them but they all have limitations. The gospel says you are now something totally different because of what’s been done for you.

The essence of the gospel is found in the life, death and resurrection of Christ to be sure but there’s more than just that. It’s about the life, death and resurrection of Christ for you! It’s personal. It’s yours. Sure there’s a corporate nature to being a follower of Jesus to be certain. But there’s something to be said about Jesus doing it all for you!

Give this week’s message a listen and see what a new identity in Christ can look like! It’s not achieved. It’s received!