Anxiety! Worry! Fear! Stress! They’re everywhere! Just turn the corner and a new mountain of tasks mounts on yoru desk and another pile of to-do’s is added to your list. Then consider back to school, extracurriculars, keeping the house organized, the big project at work, Christmas is really not that far away, volunteer hours, and the list goes on and on. It’s almost like there’s just too much worry to be able to healthily manage our day to day affairs!

But what happens if we just worry about today? What happens if we let tomorrow worry about itself for a little while and just focus on the here and now. I heard someone once say that there are only a few things in life that only you can do, so do those. Another way to say it is only do what only you can do. But what are those things that only you can do?

This week’s MusicMonday is all about not borrowing from tomorrow that stress that will undoubtedly be there waiting for you no matter what. So just stay in the here and now. Be the husband or wife that only you can be. Be the father or mother that only you can be. These are roles you can’t give to someone else. When you’re gone from work someone else can do the job, but not at home. No one can be the parent to your children that you were called to be. No one can do these roles. So stay in there here and now.

Today is the only day you’re promised so let’s take this life one day at a time and not borrow trouble and worry from tomorrow. Be here now!