If we stay in Isaiah 9 for another day, we see that Isaiah is inviting us to have an unexpected response. Normally when we think of Jesus, we have thoughts of warmth and compassion. We see him as a baby in a manger. We think we need to accept him into our hearts. We talk about Jesus as a close companion throughout life, which is the truth. But this is not the picture Isaiah paints. 

Isaiah talks about the coming Messiah, the one we call Jesus, as a king. When we think of kings in our world, we certainly don’t think of inviting them into our hearts. We don’t wonder how we can experience their compassion. We don’t really even try to get into their presence. When we encounter kings in life, we bow in reverence. We stand humbly and honor their position and their authority. 

Isaiah here is reminding us that as we journey through Advent and arrive at that Unexpected Christmas, we should see him not only as a loving God who saved his people. We should also encounter him as King of kings. We should bow our knee and humbly enter his presence. 

We’ve grown so accustomed to the things of church life. Religion has become merely an action done in time that we’ve lost the power of Jesus as King. Invited into the presence of a king, we should do what Paul says in Philippians 2 every knee shall bow

The unexpected child born to unexpected parents to an unexacting people to fulfill his unexpected plan should bring an unexpected response. When we see Christmas for what it really is, our response will become one of honor and humility, exaltation and a life altering praise. How will you respond to your king this Christmas?