It’s hard to even know what day it is anymore. We get up only to realize we don’t have to even shower before doing the work the day holds. The children won’t roll out of bed until they want to, which is far later than they used to. We’re getting more sleep than we did before but we’re more exhausted than ever before. What gives! 

Rhythm is what gives! We’re living a life without rhythm and it’s awful! Our rhythm used to revolve around work schedules and tasks that needed finished. Now our work is totally virtual. We don’t see anyone face to face anymore. And our deadlines have all been relaxed at best! Where did our rhythm go? 

I have to be honest I never knew how important rhythm was until it was gone. Just like in any musical piece where the rhythm holds the group together, so it is with our lives. The rhythm of our daily activities keeps our lives together. But what do we do when someone steals our rhythm? 

I had been wrestling with this for several weeks. I used to be an early riser just to hit the gym before getting on with my day. I was out of the house long before anyone was awake, and most days back before the sun came up. When the world was forced to close its doors to normal functions of business and life my schedule came to a screeching halt! No reason to wake up at 4:30am. No gym to attend. No reason to leave the house. What was I to do? So I slept in. Seemed the only thing I could do. 

My workouts moved to a neighbor’s garage. Our start time shifted to a few hours later than normal. Things were ok but something was just off. I was getting nearly 2 hours more sleep a night but I was exhausted like never before. What gives?

Rhythm is what gives! I’d lost rhythm in my day. My sleep schedule was less rhythmic bc I didn’t have a routine at all. My eating fell off the rails because I didn’t have my regular steps of eating and water through the day. My energy level plummeted. All of it because life is built on rhythms. The sun rises and sets to a rhythm. This drives the tides to come in and out in a very rhythmic pattern. Clocks tic in a predictable rhythm. Commercials appear in our favorite shows with increasing regularity. There is rhythm all around us, so when our rhythm is stolen our lives start to spiral and things just aren’t ok anymore. 

When I realized the problem, I was able to re-establish a new rhythm. It was obvious that parts of my old rhythm needed to go but some parts had to come back. As you muddy your way through your day consider your rhythm. What are the patterns that need to be restored? What former rhythms are better off left ended? How can you re-establish some semblance of rhythm to your life again? Find the little things that build on each other and set them in motion. Set the alarm a little earlier. Start with a little prayer and reflection time. Instead of filling your free time with extra things you can do, why not fill the open time slots with whats absolutely the best for you? These are just some of the ways to get some of that rhythm back to your days. Share your own insights. I’d love to hear them!