The truth is that rarely is the truth found in our world. We tell those little, innocent lies all the time right? I mean someone asks how you’re doing and instead of being honest and telling them what you feel, it’s just easier to say Oh I’m fine. Thanks for asking.

But the truth of the matter is, it’s ok to not be ok. It’s ok to be broken and feel like the world is crashing in. It’s ok to feel like you’re losing control and need help. It’s ok to feel like you’re all alone at times. But it’s not ok to hold it in.

Truth be told we all need someone in our lives that we can confide in. Someone who we trust so much that we can lay our darkest secrets on. Someone whose opinion matters, whose ear listens, whose heart cares. We all need someone with whom we can share truth but also who will honestly share truth back to us.

It’s easy to surround ourselves with the people who will tell us yes. It’s easy to find the people say what we want to hear. But to find real strength, we need to find the truth. Not your version of it. Not your opponent’s version of it. But the truth. There is only one truth in a situation. And in the end the truth comes to light. When the truth is revealed, we need to accept that truth and walk on. But be careful in your search for truth, make sure you’re not just listening to the voices who are all saying the samething. Try to put holes in the story you’re hearing. See if it holds water.

Most importantly find someone who will speak truth to you. Lean on them. Confide in them. Let them love you with the tough love that’s sometimes needed.