It’s probably no secret that I’m a patriot. I value and defend the principles of the place where I choose to set up residence. But while my allegiance to a degree is very much in the defense of the country in which I live, there’s something far greater and more widespread that has my allegiance completely.

This past week it was made known that a pastor was arrested in Canada in part for holding a worship gathering. He was taken before the judiciary and was told that if he recanted and promised not to do this again he could go free. I don’t know many other details of the account. But what comforts me is that he’s still in prison.

Don’t get me wrong! I want him released to be certain! But I’m comforted to know that he didn’t back down. He didn’t recant for preaching and proclaiming the truth of Jesus. I am glad that he realize that his allegiance was more to the King of kings than the head of the state.

As Americans I fear we’ve mixed up our allegiance to kings. I think some have pledged a greater allegiance to political parties that divide than to the King who unites. In the message below we unpack a pledge of sorts found in the bible. It’s an oath we take that declares God as sovereign, holy and powerful.

It’s not just politicians that vie for our allegiance but we willingly bow to the latest fads, newest ideas, things that benefit us and make us feel better. We take a knee before our pet project or medical experiment. All of it simply distracts us from what is real and true and absolutely life changing.

I pray you defend what’s important to you. I pray you put your all into the cause or thought about which you feel passionate. But I caution you to never give your full allegiance to anything other than Christ.