I’ve been blessed with some pretty good eyesight. As a matter of fact my eye doctor has instructed me that I don’t even need to come every year. But not everyone has the same eye condition. As a matter of fact, I’m the only one in my house that doesn’t need glasses for one reason or another. As we think about eyes, I’m reminded of a condition known as nearsightedness. It’s a condition in which the up close things are clear while things that are far in the distance are blurry. I believe this is telling of our lives on a regular basis, not just our eyesight. 

Think about your life for a minute. In all likelihood you dream about a better future. We talk to our children about what they want to be when they grow up. We instruct them to dream big dreams. Walt Disney built an entire empire on rethinking the possibility of dreams. But all too often life hits us square between the eyes and the dreams shatter. We wake up from a peaceful, dream-filled slumber only to be convinced by the world that dreams aren’t real and that in all likelihood our dreams will never come true.

This week we focus on being dreamers again. Not the dreaming of a new car and better job kind of dreamer, but those aren’t necessarily bad. But I’m talking dreams for a better reality. Dreams filled with faith, hope and love. Dreams of a new life waiting for us just on the other side of this life. Dreams of a life lived forever with Christ.

Now the world tries to smash our dreams just like it tries to smash our dreams of driving a Porsche or owning a million dollar mansion. But I want to let you in on a secret about this dream. It’s not like the other ones. This dream isn’t really a dream at all.

The chorus of this song is telling. To the dreamers, wide-eyed believers…when you feel it, once you see it, and you breathe it
It’s unforgettable.

You see the message of the gospel is about seeing, feeling and breathing in the reality of this message for your life and mine. And honestly once you do, you won’t forget it. When you encounter the truths that God has in store for you, you’ll never stop seeing them. You won’t quickly forget them. They’ll be unforgettable.

So today take a little time to dream. What is it that God has in store for you? Who has he called you to be? How has he uniquely gifted you to carry his love into the world? How can you overwhelm those around you with kindness? How can you keep that dream alive in your life today?

Dream! Dream while you sleep, but more importantly dream while you’re awake. Remember that God has a plan for you that might involve some tough days now but once you see and taste the wonders of his plan, you’ll never be able to forget it. Dream my friends, dream!