On September 11, 2001, an enemy pushed us to the ground. Terrorists toppled the trade center. They used our own complacencies and comforts against us. While on the outside it looked like they won, there’s something they forgot. We are Americans. They killed the innocent. They crushed our heroes. They darkened our economy and halted our skies, but not once on this day did we kneel. For we are Americans

In the moments and days that followed we showed our resolve. We were the United States of America. We stood taller than ever before. We walked shoulder to shoulder without thought of color or gender or position or title. For those days there were no political parties or powerful elite. There was no fighting in the streets over how we move forward. For we were Americans and we knew what to do. 

On that most awful day Americans planted their feet firm. And with all the resolve we could muster, we stood. With each blast from crashing planes we tottered but never fell. When the towers came down and pentagon was hit and the field absorbed the other plane, we stepped back but only to gain our footing and stand with more conviction and more American pride than ever before. For we were Americans! 

Today my friends it’s time we get back to being Americans. I’ll be the first to admit we haven’t done things right. Some of our people are hurting but we can’t bow to hatred, not from without and certainty not from within. Some of our fellow citizens have been marginalized for decades, and that must be addressed with more than well wishes and good thoughts. Some of our people are struggling to make a living, but shutting down our economy isn’t helping. Friends we are Americans and Americans stand. 

Evil is spreading its wings in our land once more. It’s hitting harder than that attack 19 years ago. Evil is hitting our hearts and killing our relationships. It’s time for Americans to stand. Stand up for who we are. Stand up for what we believe. Stand up and have conversations, hard conversations, but have them like adults. Put aside the divisive talk and recognize that we don’t know it all. Then work together to build a better tomorrow. For we are Americans.

Today as you remember the falling towers, the thousands of everyday heroes that came to your rescue, the countless Americans who got it that day – stop and be one of those Americans today. For we are Americans and together we stand, united in this most powerful land. 

Why do I stand? I stand because that’s what American do. We stand!