After a few weeks off to re-focus a bit, I wanted to start with a song that hopefully will serve as the eye-opener to you that it was to me. Have you ever noticed how fast time passes by? Try being a parent and watching your children. One minute they’re newborns and the next you’re tossing them keys to the car. One minute you’re holding them in your arms, the next you’re watching them hold their girlfriend in theirs. One minute you’re singing them bedtime songs and reading them books, the next they are self-sufficient and don’t seem to need you anymore.

So what happened to the moments in between? What happened between cradle and college? What happened to the minutes that flew past between riding in a wagon and begging for their own set of wheels?

This week’s Music Monday is about cherishing the moment in which we’re living. One line that just keeps echoing in my mind as I listen to the song is this:

Before the beautiful things we love become the beautiful things we miss. @matthew_west #beautifulthings #musicmonday #livethestory Click To Tweet

So what beautiful things can you love today? Before it’s too late dance with your daughters, wrestle with your sons, love on your spouse. What’s here today may not be here the same way tomorrow. Don’t let the beautiful things you have become the beautiful things you miss.