Some days in life are those should have, would have, could have kind of days. You know the days when you look back and realize you should have done something different. You could have done it completely in a different way. And I you had a chance you’d go back and do that part of your life over again you most certainly would not do it the same way again! 

Generally, those should’ve parts of life speak to regret and emptiness over a decision you have made in the past. We come to these conclusions after something has gone wrong or when our decision comes back and bites us in the backside. It’s then that we begin to wonder what would be different if I hadn’t made that choice.

This week for our music Monday selection, we focus on those should have moments but from a different perspective. This song takes you life and mine and shows how what happened on that cross some two thousand years ago – that should have been ours!

It’s the gospel message. It’s the message of the great substitute action of Jesus. HE substituted himself for us. He took our pain, shame, fear, loneliness, brokenness and sin to the cross. He took the whips on his back, the crown of thorns on his head, the beatings and mockings, and eventually the excruciating death in our place.

So to say It should’ve been me is a very accurate statement. It’s a statement of belief. It’s a confession of our faith in a God who never leaves us abandoned or forsaken. It’s a reminder that in Christ what should have been will never cause us harm, and what never should’ve been is all ours. In Christ you have received the fullness of God’s grace and he took the fullness of your pain.

While you listen to this song today give thanks for what should’ve been and what really is!