I like being strong and in control. I like to know what’s coming and handle issues before they become problems. I have broad shoulders and I love to carry other people’s burdens. It’s what I do. It’s who I am. It’s the person God made me to be. Some call it compassion and well that’s true, but I don’t just feel other’s pain I try to prevent it. But if I’m being honest, I can’t fix every problem. I can’t prevent everyone’s pain. And sometimes even the strongest person needs a shoulder. 

Asking for help has never been one of my strong suits. I often feel like asking for help made me look weak. When I’m near the end of my rope, not many people know. I keep my troubles close to my chest. I don’t show much emotion nor do I admit defeat. When the tough situations rise, well I get tougher. But sometimes I just can’t be tough enough. Sometimes my toughness is my greatest weakness.

So this week’s Music Monday is a crippling song for me. It’s a reminder that I can’t do it all. It’s a reminder of the gospel that says I wasn’t created to carry it all. It’s a proof that when I’m at my end, that’s when God begins.

As a child we often run to parents and other adults with our troubles. As we grow older however those people on whom we can lean seem to be fewer and farther between. Now before anyone gets all worried, I’m fine. Just a reality hit me recently I wasn’t built to carry the world. I know! Shocker right! But how many of us live as if the world is on our shoulders? I know I do it all too often.

This song is a reminder that God’s got this. It’s a reminder that He’s always there to hear your troubles and walk with you through them. But it’s not just God who’s there. He’s surrounded us with numerous people who are willing to walk with us, and frankly when we’re too weak to walk they even walk for us. Some weeks we just need to lean on a friend. But each and every day is a reminder that

My help comes from the Lord. He’s pulling me through. He carries my weakness, sickness and pain. He takes it all on His shoulders and then surrounds us with people to lift us up. What a great reminder at perhaps just the right time! Thanks for lifting me!