Ok so those who know me are going to think I’m full of it in this post, but I think everyone needs a good healthy time of rest. I’ll also say that if you really, and I mean really, know me you’ll also know that I do rest just not the way you do.

Some people look at me and accuse me of being like the energizer bunny. You know that obnoxious pink rabbit that used to be on all of the energizer battery commercials hammering away at the bass drum and never stopping? Yeah some people have said that I just don’t ever stop and that I need to slow down to rest.

Here’s a little secret. I rest by doing work. Yeah I know that sounds counterintuitive but it’s the truth. I can’t rest by laying on the couch watching tv or cuddling up to a good movie or reading an excellent book. Nope that’s not how it works for me. I rest by putting my body under physical, yet mind numbing stress.

I do things that require no thought, just physical labor. So much of my daily routine at work is tending to people’s needs, listening to their problems, counseling, coaching, mentoring, leading, thinking, writing. All things that require my mind to be constantly running.

That’s a huge reason why in the summertime I’ll mow my lawn 2-3 times a week. Not because it needs it, but because I do. That’s why I hit the gym early every morning. It takes no thought. Grab weight. Heavier the better. Lift weight. Set weight down. Repeat. I mean it’s kind of barbaric, but it lets me rest. My mind doesn’t have to think when I’m doing physical labor and that for me is rest.

Some of you are in jobs that are more physically demanding, so sitting on the couch with a cold beer might be a relaxing evening ritual for you. Some of you might need the downtime with a great book to find the peaceful release into some other world. Vacation might be a restful experience for you.

The point is you need to find a time and place to rest in whatever way you can. Tend your garden. Walk your dog. Sit with your cat if you’re into that kind of thing. Mow the lawn. Take a nap. Soak in the pool.

Rest is essential for us to work effectively. The principle I try to live by is to work from my rest and rest from my work. But don’t judge my rest just because it’s different than your rest. Know your limits. Work within them. Rest before you get too close to one of those limits.

Then rinse and repeat. It’s really that easy. And remember what works for you won’t always work for someone else.