Loneliness sucks. There’s no easy way to put it. We sometimes will sit in our homes, or in our dorms, or in our cubicle at work and realize that we’re alone. And sometimes that loneliness pushes beyond the moments when we’re physically without company to the times when we’re with others but still feel disconnected.

This week’s Music Monday is an older song and a slower song, but it speaks a powerful message about loneliness. It’s not dealing with our loneliness but God’s loneliness. You see so often we sit in worship and go through the motions. We attend bible class because, well mom and dad would be pretty upset if we didn’t. We stare at the ceiling when pastor gets a little long-winded. We have that bible on our shelf at home. You know the one that’s rarely opened.

But do we remember? Do we really remember what he’s done? Do we remember the distance he’s gone and the life he gave to make us his? The message of this song is powerful in its simplicity.

God remembers you even when you forget him. Click To Tweet

It’s a personal cry of God’s heart that you remember him. We could say us instead of me, but that would change the cry. You see, God doesn’t just cry for all humanity to know him. He cries for you to walk with him. His heart breaks when even one of his children falls. He gave up his song for one reason, to save you, individually, personally, specifically you! When Jesus hung on the cross, he saw your face. And this is his prayer for you and me.

And age to age
And heart to heart
Bound by grace and peace
Child of wonder
Child of God
I’ve remembered you
Remember me