
The old adage is so wrong. Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me. I’m not sure who came up with that load of nonsense but they obviously lived in isolation from everyone their entire life. Words have power. Yours and mine! So be careful how you use them. But our words aren’t the most powerful words around. There’s a word with far more power.

This week we unpacked another truth about the whole Easter story. At church we’re in a series that we’ve called resurrection realities. The goal of the series is to look more closely at the biblical account of Jesus and see what difference it has on our lives today.

This reality is God’s word does what it intends to do every single time. Just look through the bible and read the accounts of the things that happened when God spoke. Time after time big things happened when used his word. And if His word has that kind of power why don’t we use it today?

Through the course of this pandemic crisis and shut down of all things the government deems essential or nonessential we have access to the most essential thing in our world. The bible has the power to change everything in our lives. It can change our attitudes and our outlook on life. It can change the way we see the people around us and how we deal with struggles. The bible tells us how to handle anger. It tells us what true joy looks like.

There’s an answer for so much of life that can be found in the pages of the Bible. Why wouldn’t we use it? Why wound’t we dig into it? Why wouldn’t we spend time getting to know what it says?

Maybe you’re not a believing person or perhaps you’re the kind of person who doesn’t think the Bible really is true. What do you have to lose by reading it? If you’re right then you’re no worse off than before you read it. But if you happen to be wrong, then your whole life could look different just by reading a book.

If you’re interested in cracking the spine on that Bible on yoru shelf. If you’ve never read it or it’s just been a super long time since you last did, then hit me up and I’ll help you find a method for reading that will make things easier to understand. Remember the Bible isn’t like every other book. It’s not a front to back, beginning to end kind of read. You have to know the basics of the story and how you read it is pretty important to understanding.

All told the Bible has the power of all of God’s words in one place. Open it. Read it. Let it shape who you are.