Yesterday we started talking about how small habits done over time can change things in a big way in our lives. We’re going to look at daily and weekly habits over an eight day time span here. These habits come from a book that I’m reading titled The Common Rule by Justin Earley.

The premise of the book is that our habits are the waters in which we swim. The more intentional we are about choosing our habits, the more we can direct the flow and pattern of our lives. The first habit we looked at was setting your Daily Frame. You can go here to read what was all about. Today we look at a habit that is best done on a daily basis.

Supper For Two

Some of the greatest rhythms in life happen when we’re with other people. And some of the most powerful moments of conversation and friendship develop over food. This habit is pretty simple. It’s the combination of people and a good meal.

Simply put find time to eat at least one meal a day with other people. From the lunch table at school or work to the supper table at home to the coffee shop or local pub we can always find a way to be with other people.

Practical Ideas

  • no phones at the table
  • If you’re at a bar and around other people you don’t know, don’t bury your head in your device so you can have the opportunity to talk with those around you.
  • Let one person share something going on in their life as you eat together.
  • Do highs and lows around the table.
  • Share your good, bad and funny stories of the day.
  • Read a devotion together.
  • Pray for one another.

The possibilities are pretty much endless. The point however is very simple. Life was meant to be shared in rhythm with other people. Let people into the daily parts of your life even if only once a week. This will establish the rhythm of community into your life.