Today is Good Friday. It’s a day for people who believe in Jesus to pause and reflect for a minute. We take a day and set it aside for remembering. Remembering the person Jesus was. The life he lived. The death he died. And what it all means for me today.

Today isn’t Monday but this song spoke to me and I wanted to save it for today. So in this week’s Music Monday post we sit on Good Friday and consider the week behind us and the weekend in front of us.

Good Friday is the day all of my junk, pain, sadness, fear, frustration, wrongs, lies, betrayal, denial, every negative and evil thing I’ve ever done gets nailed to the cross. It’s when Jesus did what I could never do. It’s when he took my place and paid my price.

Take a listen to this song and enjoy Music Monday on a Friday and remember it may be Friday but Sunday is coming.