Now many of you know that I’m a pastor of a church in central Ohio and many of you know that means I’m a pretty big fan of Jesus and the Bible. But lately I’ve realized that while I’m a big follower of Jesus there’s just something about the cross that doesn’t sit well with me. I’m not alone either. As a matter of fact, one of the biggest names in the New Testament didn’t like the cross either.

The Bible records an account of a man named Peter who was a pretty close follower of Jesus and loved most everything about him. Well one day Jesus tells and explains to Peter and the rest of the crowd that he was eventually going to die in a pretty heinous way. The men and women of Jesus’ day knew full well what the cross meant and how awful it was, so when Jesus said he was going to suffer and die on a cross no one was enthused!

Peter actually refused to let Jesus continue this line of thinking. Peter pulled Jesus aside and told him sternly that this was not going to happen, much less on Peter’s watch.

The message below is about that very encounter. We talk about the moment when Peter refused to let Jesus be God and then Jesus had to show Peter who was in charge.

The premise of this message is pretty simple.

Too many Christians love Jesus but dislike the cross. Click To Tweet

To be a true follower of Christ, we need to love Jesus and willingly cling to the cross. So what’s your cross?