Wouldn’t it be great if we could just find the magical pill for happiness? I mean no more down in the dump kind of days. No more sadness. No tears. No hurts or pains. No-one to squash your dreams for life and a future. No-one to tell you that you’re not good enough. No more trying to always run and never seem to get anywhere. Trying to find that magical formula for happiness sometimes sometimes feels like running on a treadmill. No matter how fast you run, you never really get anywhere. So where is it that happiness is found?

There’s an old saying that reminds us – money can’t buy happiness. And that’s definitely true! But there’s more to it. We rarely will try to find happiness in our money. But we will try to find happiness in our working and our accomplishments. We try to find it in the mass of possessions we accumulate for ourselves. We try so hard but we’re always left wanting. It’s like the commercial for Snickers sure it satisfies but I guarantee you’ll still be hungry later! No matter how happy you are from your work or possessions you’ll always want more. That happiness fades as fast as things break.

This week’s music Monday helps us focus on where this real happiness comes from and it’s not our stuff or even our relationships. This happiness comes from our connection to Jesus. It’s forgiveness that brings the healing we need. It’s the relationship we have with our Creator and Savior that allows our souls to sore to new heights and we feel a sense of real happiness that won’t fade like the satisfaction of a Snickers bar! So find your happiness in Christ and that won’t ever fade away.