There is so much hatred and so much division in the news these days that this song made me pause for a moment. The title just speaks volumes. We all bleed the same. It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside,  we all bleed the same when we are hurt. So the short message here is just be kind. Be kind because the person with whom you are interacting bleeds the same way you bleed.

The message of this song is so powerful. We are divided. But why? Why are we so divided? Why does hatred flow so easily through our words or actions? Why do we compare ourselves to those around us? Why can’t we just focus on the work of being kind? What happened to treating others the way we want to be treated? What happened to doing the hard task of being the bigger person?

In the bible we learn to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are taught that God created those around us in the same way he created us. The reality of the matter is until we learn to just be kind. Not some sissy and vague idea of niceness but kind. The action of going out of our way to look out for others. Until we learn this, we will be a society divided. Until we stand up for those different from us, we will be those inflicting the pain. Until we go out of our way to help those who are being picked on and those who are marginalized, then we will always and forever be a broken and sick society.

So what can you do today that will change your little corner of the world? Who has God put you near that you might make a difference in their life? Who can you serve today in the name of Jesus and remind them how priceless they are?

Be kind! It’s really not rocket science. After all, we all bleed the same.