There are days in life when reality strikes you square between the eyes. Days when your past catches up to you. Days when your struggles become all too real. There are days when moments turn to eternity as you feel the pain of regret and shame. There are days when you look in the mirror and can’t believe the person you’ve become. Days when all hope seems lost.

Those days flat suck. Despair settles in. Fear takes over. You’ve hurt those you love. You’ve let people down who look up to you. You feel like this problem shouldn’t be happening to you but it is. And you don’t know how to get out. You’re trapped in your own mind. You are drowning in your own sorrows. You feel as if there’s just no hope.

This week’s Music Monday is about this very day. I hope it brings some help, hope and comfort. Now before you listen, hear a couple of things.

First no matter what you’re going through there’s someone else who’s been there. You may feel like you’re alone in this but you’re not. Perhaps it’s the last person you can think of but I can guarantee you are not alone.

Second, the weight you’re carrying isn’t yours. It’s a burden of guilt, fear and shame that the Devil is using to break you down and pull you away from God. Don’t let him win. Talk to a friend, a loved one, pastor, teacher, someone you trust.

Finally, hit the ground. It’s time to pray. My grandpa always said When you’re flat on your back there’s only one place to look…up! The idea is simple. Look up. Pray. Ask for help and let the source of all hope fill you today.

All my hope is in Jesus. I hope yours is too.