living for eternity today

Tag: thanksgiving

A Good Habit Changes Everything

5 Family Habits That Can Change Your Life

The year 2020 was not what I had planned. Well that’s true for many reasons and pretty much everyone I know! But it’s not for the reason you think. In 2019, I took to the task of reading a book a week. Well, by the end of the year I had consumed over 75 books. Some were longer and others shorter. Most were on audio but I still count those.

So as we began 2020 my goal was to keep up the task of diving into a new book every week. Things started pretty good. About 6 weeks in however the wheels fell off and I don’t think I’ve picked up a book to just read for myself since then! That all changed this morning. We’re well into December by now so I know I won’t be reading 50 books this year by any means but I know it’s important to start a good habit with the first step.

The first book I’ve decided to grab is called The Common Rule. And oddly enough it’s about creating daily and weekly habits to guide us through our days. My goal is to share each day’s habit here in a short summary post, so let’s get started.

Daily Frame

Throughout the book author, Justin Earley, shares eight distinct habits that range from daily to weekly things to keep us focused and propel us forward in life. The first habit is to frame our day with a moment of prayer.

Now before you dismiss this as irrelevant or not applicable, give me a minute to explain. When we frame our day in moments of prayer we’re setting the stage for a new perspective. Even if you’re not a believer in the power of prayer, just pausing three times a day to focus on the things you have in your life for which you can be thankful or the things with which you need help can be immensely beneficial!

Practical Steps

First thing in the morning, before you grab your phone or check any social media, before you talk to anyone else or really do much of anything find a quiet place to just speak a moment of thanks for the start of a new day or make your request known for the day ahead. This can be a super short one line sentence or a short story, that’s up to you. Just start here.

At that afternoon slump, or whenever that happens in your daily schedule, stop what you’re doing and reset your mind. Show your thanks by saying another prayer, or take this time to ask for focus. Whatever you need to do to reframe your afternoon.

Then before your body goes to full on rest mode at the end of your day, do this one more time. A short prayer to give thanks that today was so great! Or to just be thankful it’s all over.

A simple habit like framing your day in prayer can really help calm the waters of life in which you’re swimming. Be well! Tomorrow we’ll pick up another habit to look put into practice.


This Year, I'm Thankful for You | Citrix Blogs

I’ll be honest, there was a point in this mess of 2020 that I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to find anything to be thankful for when Thanksgiving rolled around. I don’t have to remind you what all has happened this year. It’s been really close to awful at times. From illness to financial struggles, from relational issues to political divides this year seems to have brought everything all at once and thrown it at us!

But what happens when we flip the script on the year a bit? I mean think about it. I’m one of those people who believe that everything happens for a reason. Everything from not getting the closest parking spot to losing your job all happen for a reason. Having our normal routines totally thrown out of whack, while completely ridiculous and challenging, likely had a reason too. Our job as we approach Thanksgiving is to try to figure out what that reason might be.

I know that some of you are celebrating Thanksgiving away from family and it really doesn’t feel much like the holiday that you’re used to. But what can you do to keep that spirit of the season alive? Here are a few ideas that you can try to keep that thankful heart beating.

  • Send personal letters to loved ones instead of those preprinted cards.
  • Take more pictures of the times you do get to spend with friends and family.
  • Use social media to be social instead of bashing those who think different.
  • Use FaceTime to stay in touch with people you can’t see this year.
  • Launch a Zoom Thanksgiving feast and showcase your favorite Thanksgiving food.
  • Do a Drive-by visit to family you can’t see this year.
  • Be intentional about saying thank you for just about everything.
  • Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone. Make a significant impact in someone’s life that will change their world.

Thanksgiving is about attitude and heart not about life circumstances. When our heart and our attitude are in the right place, even the most challenging of 2020’s dealings won’t derail us too far.

From my family to yours have a wonderful, happy and blessed Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for each and every one of you.

Through All Of It

ec9bf6892c7874ca6a2ea14a43b40078Mondays are great days to look back and to look ahead. When we look back, we reflect on where we’ve been. We see the good and the bad. We, at times, relive the mistakes we’ve made. We feel regret over our failures. Shame often takes over and brings us to our knees in what we believe to be a pile of nothingness. But other days when we look back we can smile because we know that through all of it, God was always by our side.   Continue reading

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